Michael Thurmond 6 Week Body Makeover – Blueprint

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Every person’s body is not made equal. Each person has a unique body and weight loss products that work for some may not work for others. The 6 week body makeover blue print is used to determine what types of foods the dieter should eat to maximize fat loss. A short 50 question quiz is filled out asking questions like: what areas of the body you are prone to gain weight, what type of eater you are, how much weight you want to lose, eating habits, how active you are, etc.

Based on your the questionnaire, you are assigned a specific body class. Your body class will determine which types of food are suitable for you to maximize your fat loss. Many users of the diet do not like the blue print as some of the foods in the diet are not to the user’s liking. Also preparing meals based on the type of diet has been a complaint among users of the diet. However, people who have used the diet and have stuck with it have had great success.

The diet is very specific and like most fad diets, once you go off the diet, the weight gain will come back. The Michael Thurmond body survey also has exercise routines that you should do to sculpt specific parts of your body. The exercise for some people did not seem hard; however, most people thought that program lacked commitment. The duration of the exercise program is not long and the main focus of the diet program is about changing your eating habits and having a more balanced diet based on your body type.

In conclusion, if you want to learn what types of foods will help burn fat and creating healthier eating habits, then the 6 week body makeover is the type of program that you should pursue. If you are more focused on exercise, then perhaps choosing another program is more suitable.

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