Management Upwards – The Essential Management Skill That The Management Schools Don’t Mention

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Don’t Delegate Up

The CEO of a company I worked in 35 years ago had a small sign on his desk. It faced outwards. It said “Be part of the answer not part of the problem”. Corny? Yes. Trite? Yes. Heartfelt? Absolutely.

Your Boss Is Paid To Do His Job Not Yours

It’s inevitable that you’ll seek advice and guidance from your boss. Part of his job is helping you do yours when necessary. But that’s all. Whenever you seek his or her advice and guidance, go armed with suggestions or possible solutions you’ve created. Give your boss something to work with rather than dump your problems in his or her lap.

Do Your Job As Well As Possible

The better that you do your job, the easier you’ll make life for the boss. The boss will develop confidence in you only if you show that you’re good at what you do. Don’t leave loose ends around for others, including him, to clean up. If you can’t handle your normal work successfully, you won’t be asked to help with developmental assignments.

Keep The Boss Informed

Few things irritate a manager more than a problem coming unexpectedly out of left field. This is especially so if one of his subordinate mangers should’ve let him know beforehand. When you know that some minor issues in your area could escalate, let your boss know. And brief him properly so he’s well placed to handle the consequences.

Look For Ways To Help

Anticipate problems the boss may have. Offer to help if you can. Try to make life easier for him or her. If possible, beat deadlines the boss sets so you won’t be chased for failing to submit work or information you’ve promised. Try to create systems so that your boss can achieve better results, faster and more accurately.

Become An Effective Delegator Yourself

Ensure your staff do their jobs properly. Don’t become a “leave it with me” manager. Are you a manager whose desk is covered and email in-box is cluttered with stuff you’ve requested but haven’t acted on? Do you constantly tell staff “leave it with me”. You’ll be of little help to your boss if you are.

Don’t Gossip

A gossip, and gossiping, might be good fun. But if you gain a reputation as a gossip you won’t be trusted with quality information. And even when you yourself obtain quality information you’re unlikely to be believed.


Management upwards is most important. If you’re not sure, ask yourself “If my subordinates behaved they way this article recommends, would my management life be sweeter and easier?

I rest my case.

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