How Do Successful Leaders Spell Survival

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Did you know that the same skills used in Survival Situations are the

same skills needed for effective Leadership? The U.S. military uses

the word SURVIVAL as a mnemonic device to help its troops and leaders

remember right actions under fire. Visionary Leadership:

*S: Size up the Situation*. Survivalists know that they need to survey their environment before taking action. Today’s Successful Leaders

need to do the same. Unfortunately I have seen too many newly promoted

managers, so anxious to prove their worth , begin immediately making

changes before a careful business/organizational analysis. The result:

A disruption of customers and employees and often negative

consequences to the organization. Always conduct Intel, before

offering opinion or direction.

*U: *Undue Haste Makes Waste:* A companion to the S in Survival with

one additional rule pertaining to crisis situations. Did you know that

an angry or emotional person’s I.Q. drops 50%? How many leaders can

afford to lose that much brain power in their decision making? Rule of

thumb: Never make a business decision while in an emotionally charged

state and that includes addressing employees when you’re under

pressure or under fire.

*R: Remember where you are: *Always check that your decisions and

actions are in keeping with your organization’s mission statements,

values and key business objectives. Ask yourself on a regular basis.

“Is this the best use of my time to accomplish the overall

organization mission and strategic objectives?” If the answer is no,

re-think the task. It takes discipline for a leader to stay on point

and not get lost in the jungle. Remember, the best way to get found in

the wilderness is to focus on not getting lost in the first place.

Vision and Clear Goals are key.

*V: Vanquish Fear and Panic: *A running animal is a vulnerable animal.

Do you know leaders and managers who run around the office making

everyone crazy? Do they look like a leader who is cool and calm in a

crisis? I think not. Here’s a simple communication rule to improve

your leadership credibility rating. People who speak slower and wait 2

to 3 seconds to respond are considered much more credible. * *Use the

“Power of the Pause to your advantage”. If you find yourself cutting

people off in mid-sentence or running around frenetically in response

to pressure, both are warning signals to slow down and pause!

*I: Improvise: *Are you Solution Oriented or Problem Focused? Today’s

Successful leaders recognize they won’t always have the perfect world

and so become quickly known as the McGuiver’s in their organization.

The question is are you a Go-To or a Run- From Leader? A Go- To

leader, presents a solution for every problem presented.. A Run- From

leader whines about their lack of resources. You be the judge of which

category your organization would put you in.

*V: Value Living: *I have met the most brilliant people who are

unfortunately poor managers because they know little about those

around them who make things happen. If you value the life of your

employees, they will value their partnership with you.

*A*: *Act Like the Natives: *Recognize that empathy and finding common

ground with customers, employees, colleagues and upper management are

the key to your survival. Coming in like a tourist, telling the

natives what you do in their country won’t win you points in any camp.

*L: Learn Something New*—–Every day! Today’s successful leader

needs to be an information and learning machine. Stay up on best

practices, new consumer trends, competitors and yes, even pop culture.

Your adaptability to life’s ever changing conditions is the key to

your survival. Ever met someone who talks about the good ole days?

Chances are they’re not Leadership Survivors!

Rosemary Rein, is the Author of GO Wild! Go GREAT !Training Seminars

for Leadership and Customer Service., delivering keynote presentations and

1-day seminars in the United States, Canada and Latin America.

Email Rosemary@

[email protected]

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