Importance of Reading

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A book is a fragile creature, it suffers the wear of time, it fears rodents, the elements and clumsy hands. So, the librarian protects the books not only against mankind but also against nature and devotes his life to this war with the forces of oblivion.

Remember those golden days of college, school bag full of books, so many things to learn, loads of information- history, geography, maths, science. Bag full of knowledge carrying on the little shoulders, all things make us laugh. Yes, all those things make us laugh presently. If we were not able to carry those heavy loads on our shoulders at that time then I am sure we wouldn’t be able to stand properly in this society as we are standing today. Our present knowledge is all just because of our books. There was not any use of technology name Internet in the old days and at that time; books were the only source of spreading knowledge. Authors’ used to express their feelings; experts used to share their knowledge with their future generation only through books. Hence books are like our ancestors’ gifts to us, which let us know about many things that we don’t know, for example- story of Ramayana, written as a book by Tulsidass.

Books are the best pathfinders to reach the destiny of success. Importance of books for our present generation is like nothing because of updated technology. Here I am not saying that this advanced technology is not good, but we should believe in the written words. We know that Old is Gold. A poor child who doesn’t know that how to write, is just the one who knows the real importance of books. It is very necessary to give the books their real importance back as these deserves.

Reading is the best thing to make your mind relax. You can read sweet stories, funny jokes, fairy tales, real stories; all depends on you, what ever you like you can read. Books are available in variety and for variety of people. Now days there are lots of sources which make availability of books easily and affordable at your door step, for example, you can e-order your books easily by just visiting the sites. I know about one of the book clubs i.e. India Today Book Club that also takes e-orders when you once register its membership. After that you can place countless number of orders for the books of your taste like latest Fiction, Classics, Art and Reference Books, Children’s reading material, Cooking, Gardening, Fitness and Health, Religion and Spirituality, Information Technology, Medicine and many others, with grand discounts and exciting gifts like holiday packages.

I believe that reading costs nothing for you if you are having curiosity to taste the pudding of success. I feel less alone when I read the book.

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