5 Reasons Why You Need a Book To Build Your Business

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If you are a Small business owner, coach, consultant, and or professional speaker, you are probably constantly looking for ways to grow your business. The marketplace is crowded. You want to stand out in the minds of your prospects as a trustworthy expert who can give them the specific solutions they need.

When you write a non-fiction book showcasing your knowledge of your industry, you can create additional income streams, garner media attention, and use your book to pre-qualify potential customers.

Imagine how impressed a prospect would be to see a review of your new book in the local newspaper or open a package to find your latest book instead of that tired old three fold brochure.

Authors are highly respected. When you become an author, you will enjoy that same level of heightened respect and be viewed as authority in your field. Just imagine what that can do for your business!

    Consider these examples of how business owners used books successfully:

  1. A bakery owner writes a cookbook of recipes and offers it as a bonus in a local charity event. In return, he receives free coverage in local media outlets publicizing his book and his bakery.
  2. A life coach writes a book on stress management for working mothers. This book leads to national speaking engagements, coverage in a national women’s magazine, and brisk on-line book sales.
  3. An accountant write a book on tax strategies for small business owners and offers to give presentations at local business organizations where he gives a free copy of the book to everyone in the audience.. When a small business owner is ready to hire an accountant, he sees the book on his shelf, reads it quickly, likes what he reads, and calls to make an appointment.
  4. A business consultant, tired of being a road warrior, writes a book about her industry, creates an on-line self study course, teleclasses, and audio programs based on the material so she doesn’t have to travel.
  5. A Realtor decides to specialize in listing homes for mid-life couples who are downsizing. She writes a book on how to buy a home that will accommodate changing health needs brought about by aging. She partners with several financial planners who give the book to clients in their fifties or who have aging parents.

You already possess valuable knowledge that can help others, who will in turn, become interested in purchasing additional products or services from your firm.

Why not share that knowledge in book format and then use that book creatively as a marketing tool?

When you do, you will be amazed at the respect, media attention, and marketing opportunities that a simple book can produce. That’s a business building book.

Write on!

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