What Is a Private Phlebotomist Contractor?

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Phlebotomists are regarded as clinical laboratory technicians, and their main responsibility is to collect blood. While most phlebotomists are employed by hospitals, others may work in laboratories or other settings, or they may become private phlebotomist contractors. Since there is a growing demand for phlebotomy services, more and more phlebotomists are opting to provide their services independently, so that they will have the opportunity to reap greater financial rewards. If you wish to become a private phlebotomist contractor, you can use the following information to plan your academic and career paths:

In order to pursue a career as a phlebotomist, you need to obtain certification from an accredited phlebotomy college. Certification is requirement for practicing phlebotomy in most hospitals and laboratories. The duration of the training program varies from one state to another, but it is usually between 18 to 24 months. If you are able to gain more credits and experience, you can earn a higher income. A private phlebotomist contractor is required to obtain accreditation from a relevant association, such as the American Society of Clinical Pathologists. To become a successful phlebotomist, you have to possess knowledge of the locations of veins and puncture points, as well as the right methods to draw blood. Since you will be working closely with patients, you need have great communication skills and empathy. Business management skills play a very important role in the success of an independent phlebotomist contractor.

The duties of a private phlebotomist contractor can vary greatly, depending on the needs of the clients. However, they always involve the collection of blood, which can be from donors, patients, or people who need to undergo a blood test. In some cases, you may be required to transport blood to a medical facility, laboratory, or other places; perform saline flushes; or administer heparin in a clinical setting. As a private phlebotomist contractor, you have to look for clients that need your services, and these clients can be hospitals, laboratories, schools, sports organizations, insurance providers, business organizations, and others. If your clients need you to perform phlebotomy on a large number of people, you may have to hire other phlebotomists to assist you. Also, you have to make sure that you are able to provide a complete range of phlebotomy services, including transporting blood.

According to the 2010 Wage Survey of Clinical Laboratories that was conducted by The American Society for Clinical Pathology, certified staff level phlebotomists earn an average annual salary of $28,080, while phlebotomist supervisors make $41,766 a year. The salaries of phlebotomists are dependent on a number of factors, which include qualification, experience, location, and others. Phlebotomists who are working in California receive an average hourly wage of $23.36, and those who are in Ohio make only $12.10 an hour. The average income of a private phlebotomist contractor is $41,766 a year. However, if you have higher certification, more experience, good management skills, and effective cost-cutting strategies, you can make much more than the average earnings. You will also enjoy higher earnings if there is an increase in the demand for phlebotomy services.

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