If you are just starting, or thinking of starting, your own internet marketing business, you need to get clear and realistic about all the reasons why you are doing it. If you are not already clear about all the why’s of starting your online business, now is the time to get clear.

When you get further down the line you will discover the importance of this and be glad you did. Presumably, you are dissatisfied in some way with your current life, and think that your own online business could be a better option for you.

So what’s wrong with your current life? When asked this question, people usually say things like. ‘My job is boring and going nowhere. I’ve had enough of being a wage slave. I don’t earn enough money to buy the things I want. I feel that I’m achieving nothing and life is just passing me by.’

All of these ‘don’t wants’ are what are known as ‘away froms’, things that you don’t want in your life and want get away from. These are great motivators for taking action to make changes. Take a few moments now to consider ‘don’t wants’ in your current life and jot them down.

Then, it’s important to consider what you do want, what it is that you want to move towards in your life. Maybe you want the flexibility of being self-employed, to work from home so that you see more of your family, a higher standard of living with a better house, a new car, holidays in the sunshine, whatever would be a better life for you.

All of these are the ‘towards’ in your life, the things which you really want in your life and which will inspire you to take action to make your internet marketing business a success. So consider now what, specifically, they are for you and jot them down.

You need to have a mixture of away from and towards elements in your thinking about starting and running your own online business. If you only have one of them, you are unlikely to achieve the success you desire. For example, if you want to get away from a boss you hate working with, once you have left your job you have achieved that and so what’s driving you then?

Similarly, if you only have dreams about how good your life would be if, but are not sufficiently dissatisfied with your current situation, you are unlikely to ever get your internet marketing business going and your dreams will always remain dreams.

There are many examples of people who set up and run a successful business, which then crashes, followed by another successful business, which then crashes. One explanation for this is that the person has an away from strategy, maybe about not having money. This motivates them to put a lot of time and energy into building their business until they have got away from poverty or whatever their away from was. Then they relax their efforts as they have achieved their goal and don’t have a ‘towards’ to keep them going.

A mixture of both strategies is necessary to motivate and inspire you as you face all the interesting opportunities and challenges which your new online business will inevitably offer you. They will keep you going when things seem tough, or you don’t yet have the results you want.

When you are tearing your hair out and asking ‘Why, oh why did I ever consider having my own online business to be a great idea and start this ridiculous enterprise?’ Or when you realise that the compelling sales letter promising you untold riches for two hours work a week, was not a true representation of how your internet marketing business would be for you. When your grand plan just doesn’t seem to be working.

At times like these you need to be able to remember all your why’s to help you get things into perspective and get your online business back on track. Make sure you have them written down for quick reference when you need them..Pin them up where you can see them easily, maybe on your office noticeboard, together with a picture of the beautiful holiday resort where you will take your family when your business grows.

So get clear about both what you don’t want in your life any more and what you definitely do want to create in your life. Remind yourself of these frequently and start imagining your internet marketing life being like this, with all the success you desire.

By admin

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