Coming up: Consumer price index for June

U.S. inflation climbs to new 41-year high of 9.1%, CPI shows, as gas prices surge

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The numbers: Surging gasoline prices last month drove the rate of U.S. inflation to a nearly 41-year peak of 9.1%, offering little hope of help soon for Americans suffering from a high cost of living.

The consumer price index jumped 1.3% last month to mark the third time in the last four months it’s topped 1%. Economists polled by The Wall Street Journal had forecast a 1.1% advance.

The increase in inflation over the past year rose to 9.1% to 8.6%. The last time inflation was so high was in November 1981.

Higher prices of everything ranging from fuel to food to rent is expected to prod the Federal Reserve to sharply raise a key U.S. interest rate again when senior officials meet toward the end of this month.

By raising rates, the central bank aims to cool off the economy just enough to bring down inflation, ideally without triggering a recession. Yet many economists are doubtful the Fed can succeed in achieving what is referred to as a “soft landing.”

The CPI report wasn’t entirely a downer.

The so-called core rate of inflation, which omits food and energy, rose by a somewhat smaller 0.7%.

That was also above Wall Street’s forecast, but the increase in the core rate over the past year slowed to 5.9% from 6% in May and a recent high of 6.5% in March.

The Fed views the core rate as a more accurate measure of future inflation trends because gas and food prices tend to go up and down quickly and usually don’t stay high for very long. Indeed, gas prices have fallen sharply in the past month.

Yet as Fed officials acknowledge, food and gas are a big part of every family’s budget and the pain households experience is acute.

Big picture: High inflation is infecting every part of the economy.

Worker wages aren’t keeping up with price increases. Consumers face unpalatable decisions on what to buy and what to forego. Businesses are coping with rising costs and reduced demand. And government has to pay more in interest to service chronic budget deficits.

Unless inflation relents soon, the Fed will keep jacking up interest rates. If rates go high enough, they’ll slow the economy and even put the U.S. at the risk of a second recession in three years.

The Fed is trying to thread the needle, but just one big mistake could cause grave damage to the economy.

Market reaction: The Dow Jones Industrial Average

and S&P 500

were set to open higher in Wednesday trades. The 10-year bond

yield fell a few ticks to 2.95%.

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