Things To Know About Managed Mobility Services

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With countless businesses embracing mobility solutions, people have become familiar with Mobile Device Management (MDM) services. However, they confuse the same with managed mobility services (MMS). However, the truth is a far cry as MDM is an administrative area that is a small component of managed mobility services. Contrary to MDM that deals with deployment, security, integration, management, and monitoring of a wide range of mobile devices at a workplace, MMS facilitates employees having mobile devices to access resources that are earlier restricted to traditional PC users.

Many providers of such services are well aware that businesses have issues with making a big investment for management of mobility services. Hence, many such providers are now rolling out services that are cost-effective and thus ideal for even SMEs in the long run. They have an expertise which can prove extremely beneficial for companies to sustain the cut-throat competition. In such a changing landscape, the things that are worthy to know about managed mobility services are the following ones:

Boost employee productivity

Any business hiring managed mobility services empowers its employees with mobile devices like smart phones, tablets, and others to get an access to business emails, databases, and corporate content. This eventually boosts the overall employee productivity by reducing wastage of time that goes in seeking an approval in person from their immediate supervisors or managers for further work progression.

Make things simpler

Managed mobility services have made things simpler for businesses by taking away all the pain that goes in managing the complexities of various platforms of mobile devices. With the number and types of mobile devices used by employees growing exponentially, businesses are opting for managed mobility services to have ample time to focus on their own business operations.

Easy activation of plans

Major businesses, be it small or a large one doesn’t have time to invest in activation of plans that they have availed for enjoying mobile network services. Also, choosing which network is the best always remains an uphill task. Mobility management services eliminate these problems completely by not only activating the plans as per the need but also helps in choosing the most optimal network that is also cost-effective and brilliant in terms of performance.

According to the Global Managed Mobility Services Market Research Report 2016, the MMS market is speculated to grow to USD 19.40 Billion within the next five years. Currently, the market is at a nascent stage and fast adoption of mobile devices for seamless work collaboration by businesses of all sizes will fuel its growth.

Clearly, companies who are looking for such services are going to service providers with years of industry experience to avoid any unpleasant experiences like sudden cost escalation. Although there are many, some have carved a niche for themselves within a small time frame by delivering their services consistently at an economical rate without compromising on performance.

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