The Ladder of Success – Goal Setting

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Goal Setting

The more you seek to fulfill your goals in life, “luck” appears in the form of opportunities.

Pursuing your goals and exploring your potential sets the direction and determines future life.

Goals determine what you want and keep you focused on a purpose.

Personal goals are generally connected with your health, relationships and happiness.

Think about your lifestyle goals!

Professional goals are related to what you want to accomplish with your education and your career.

Think about your financial goals!

Life goals are the things you want to accomplish long-term, such as getting married, having a family, close-knit friendships and serving others.

Think about your values!

Create a Vision

Where do you see yourself one year from now?

Where do you want to be in life in the next 5, 10 or 15 years?

The future is in your imagination, of what you want to be, what you would like to do and, what you would like to achieve.

A vivid vision can pay big dividends to those who believe in positive expectations, regardless of adverse circumstances.

Goal Setting Ladder

Steps needed to make a loaf of bread.

Plowing, seeding, harvesting, binding sheaves, beating the grains, winnowing, separating, grinding into flour, sifting, adding milk, eggs and yeast, kneading and then baking until it gets to the kitchen table.

A ladder has rungs that allows people to climb to high places.

The rungs represent a series of steps (just like making a loaf of bread), to climb, one rung at a time, to reach that higher place.

Each rung that is climbed becomes a milestone.

A clear vision of your ideal future sets you on the first rung on the ladder of success.

Each step up, you become more confident to reach your ultimate goal.

*think about the possibilities.

*think about the rewards

“Ask and it Will be Given You”

For everyone who asks, receives!

Knowledge is power because it maximizes your potential.

The right knowledge, gives you the confidence to make decisions based on what is right for you, help you to avoid mistakes and gain new ideas.

Goals determine what knowledge you need.

“Seek and You Will Find”

Those who seek, find!

A rich farmer in ancient Greece who was dying, said to his sons, “My treasure is buried in the fields. If you would be rich, dig for it.”

After the old man’s death, the two sons, dug and toiled, carefully, turning up the soil in every field but did not find any buried treasure.

When spring came and there was no sign of a treasure chest, they abandoned their search so the fields can be sown with corn.

Then came summer and harvesting.

And, what a bountiful harvest they enjoyed!

In digging the land, the boys had found the riches they were had seeking.

Their wise old father’s plan had succeeded!

“Knock and the Door Will be Opened to You”

To those who knock, the door will be opened!

*to learn and improve

*to achieve their dreams

Physically, mentally, socially, intellectually and spiritually, life can be improved provided one takes advantage of their opportunities.

Climbing out of Adversity

We need peace of mind.

We need courage and hope.

We need guidance and direction.

We need a light that illuminates our path.

Jesus said: “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”

Wrong values and wrong goals lead to wasted opportunities and unsolved problems.

Problems, uncertainty and setbacks create negative emotions of being at the mercy of the unknown.

Jesus said, “If a person had even the smallest amount of genuine faith, he would be able to tell a mountain to pick itself up and cast itself into the sea, and it would obey him.”

Mark 11:23

A mountain has steep, sloping sides, sharp ridges and possible hazards, before a climber can reach the peak or summit.

A quote by Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, Inc states: “How you climb a mountain is more important than reaching the top.”

Chouinard knows about climbing mountains.

Persist, it can transform your life!

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart”.

Helen Keller

The quote reminds us that the best things come from within.

They are made possible by love, compassion and forgiveness.

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