Stand Out From the Crowd – Developing Your Brand & Presentation As an Independent Business

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They say that details can make all the difference in small business, independent retail, website business, now true, more than ever. You want to be the indie business that shines and here are a few brilliant presentation tips that can elevate your business set-up, display, events, operations and more. Here is a few tips to get you started.

Clean and Clear Visual Messages

First impressions are made within the first few seconds anyone meets you and sees your presentation or retail set up. Make sure what you present is at the very heart and soul of you and your retail set up.

Uniformity in color layouts and clear visuals on your products is very important. A clean line and exciting presentation are a must. You want a person to want to be drawn in see more and create interest in you as the artist and your work.

Have a Mission Statement and Live by It.

Develop a one line statement for your business to operate by. Example; “Gems, where we help you to shine brightly.” And in that statement, doing everything possible to convey this to your customers. It is often found where you have a focused mission statement your purpose is more clear to your customer base. This can be under your business name and conveyed whenever you speak about your work and even on display materials and banners. It is your mission to share your mission!


Invest in promotional material. Getting business cards is a necessity, you must have one and carry them with you everywhere. You never know when you will have need arise to share information. Also postcards, banners, flyers, t-shirts, mailers are so useful. Also there are many local classified papers that offer free print ads, as well as, online ads where you can advertise your work. Also if you can wear your product or use it, do so. Many people are curious and may ask where did you buy that, this is an opportunity to promote as well. Don’t be afraid to ask if they are interested in your card and/or may like to visit your website if you have one or go to your next show or event. There is no shame in promotion when done right.

Have a Cohesive & Defined Style

You design your product from your ideas. Only you know how you want your style to presented. Take a look around you, all the definitive leader in advertising and marketing have a distinct style and your should too. Whether it be futuristic streamlined, neo-victorian meets industrial, shabby french provincial, southern home style, whimsy, etc., develop your style within your niche. Do you research, look around you, study big business branding as well. If you go out to trade show you see a lot of the GREEN movement: use of recycled packaging, homey reuse style designs, simple organic layout, and emphasis of product relationship to saving the environment or organic material used to make the particular products. It works for many, its hot right now but soon this style will become very visible everywhere, that is why it is important to find your niche and make your style and message very tailored and unique.

Accessible Inventory

Make sure you know you inventory. Keep track of what item/product/work you sell. What design sells the most. What colors sell the best at what point in time. This will better help you when you are creating more inventory. I design jewelry and I find it is helpful to know to produce at a point in time and what not to.

You don’t want your money tied up in something that does not sell. Know your customer you are designing for and selling to so you will be more specialized in your niche.

Exceptional Customer Service

Be kind, be helpful. Let your customer know you are there if they need information about any of your work/product. Follow up with them after purchase, sometime offering guarantees where applicable is a good incentive for repeat business. Be helpful, friendly, level headed, and fair with people, they know when a person is sincere this is true in life, yes?

Collect Your Customers Information

Never underestimate a sale. Each time you make a sale realize that the customer can be a potential customer for life. Keep them informed of your events, shows, and where they can find your work/products on the web. Start a mailing/email list email or write patrons to tell them thank you for their patronage. During the holiday, wish them a happy holidays and offer specials or free shipping/delivery for any products ordered with you. Customer appreciate this, I find. Have special sale geared toward your repeat customer and let them know this, it goes a long way.

Have a Smile

If your are doing a event, presentation, or show; look your best, be courteous, knowledgeable, kind, but most of all smile. If people remember anything at all its gonna be your charisma and your smile. You don’t have a second chance to make a first impression. Let that impression be truly you and what your business is all about. Now get out there and sell it.

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