Breadth divergence is a troubling sign for the stock market

News and analysis for those planning for or living in retirement

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From MarketWatch:

Congress has the chance to pass meaningful retirement reform: The Secure Act in December 2019 was the first large retirement bill passed in decades, but there’s more that can be done to protect retirement security. 

Five tips to spot and avoid Medicare scams: Older Americans are often the target of financial scams, but there are ways to protect yourself. 

Confused about inherited IRA rules? Here’s what to know: The Internal Revenue Service’s interpretation of the inherited IRA rules could be confusing – and costly – for beneficiaries looking to delay distributions. 

Also on MarketWatch:

Why life in your 70s may be your happiest ever 

We have $1.1 million to spend on a new house for retirement, but we also want to travel – is buying a home even worth it right now? 

A big, fat raise to Social security is coming – but will it be enough? 

Without more immigrants, Social Security (and America) is toast 

Do I need to enroll in Medicare if I’m still working at 65? 

Boomers are bringing ‘summer of love’-style change to sex in their older years 

Do something good that’s good for you too: Start volunteering

Must be ‘fit and active’ or ‘digital native’: how ageist language keeps older workers out 

More in retirement news:

Climate change risk is emerging as a mainstream retirement issue (Forbes)

Congress could change your retirement plans. Is it good or bad news? (Yahoo Finance)

Advice | Should you use retirement money to pay off credit card debt? (Washington Post

You could still retire early even if you started saving up late (USA Today

How to play catch-up with your retirement savings (Barron’s)

U.S. Generals, Diplomats want Chinese companies out of their retirement plans (The Wall Street Journal)

Research and Insight:

The fatal flaw in your retirement plan’s target date funds (Advisor Perspectives

Higher costs compel more Americans to delay retirement (Spectrum News)

Wade Pfau: The risks of retirement today (Morningstar)

These are the top retirement income concerns for many older Americans, according to a survey (Fox Business

ACA policyholders may dodge a bullet (Center for Retirement Research at Boston College)

To share with your family, friends and clients:

Who gets the dog in a divorce? Laws are changing for pet custody battles

Romance and grandparent scams are on the rise for seniors – how to protect yourself

We want culture, dining and wilderness in areas with homes for $300,000 – so where should we retire? 

Is trying to get healthier making you feel lousy

You could retire to Spain for half the cost of Florida

It’s a struggle to buy a home right now and to save for retirement – here’s how you can do both 

Should you roll over your 401(k) to an IRA? Here are 3 tips for this key retirement decision 

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