How To Start Earning Without Spending A Dime

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So you want to earn without spending a dime either you want to try testing the water first before swimming or simply you just do not have enough money to spend. You might have also heard a lot of people started on the Internet business without spending a dime and end up millionaires, yes most of them ended up that way but not all. I outline the step by step procedure in earning (with google) without spending a dime. Of course you have to give something before being successful: your sweat and effort; add a little creativeness, passion, and have the right mindset in being successful.

Being a Google AdSense Publisher.

This is the best introduction of what is Google AdSense (as defined by Google):

“Google AdSense is the program that can give you advertising revenue from each page
on your website–with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources.

AdSense delivers relevant text and image ads that are precisely targeted to your site and your site content. And when you add a Google search box to your site, AdSense delivers relevant text ads that are targeted to the Google search results pages generated by your visitors’ search request.”

You might be asking alright I want to be a Google AdSense publisher but I do not have a website, this means that I still have to cash-out to maintain a website. This is the beauty of Google. They are giving away free blog hosting and Google pages so that you can put your AdSense code without spending a dime on web hosting services. Well, you have to pay for your Internet connection and the coffee while establishing the blog or site.

Here is the step by step::

1. Sign-up as Google AdSense Publisher.

2. Think of interesting that you are already familiar with. It may be hobby or something that you have been doing lately. To start, just stick with the topics that you are familiar to lessen your research time.

3. Go to Blogger or Google pages and set up your own account.

4. Start putting in the contents or if you have chosen to blog, start blogging.

5. After you made your initial entries, start putting the Google AdSense codes.

6. Start promoting your site.

7. Evaluate what you have done from Step 4 to 6. You may want to optimize your site (contents, promotion or SEO techniques,etc.)

8 If you are already earning a small amount in your first blog/site, create another one. Repeat step

2. The idea here is to be able to have a sustainable number of website. If your initial site is earning $50 per day, having 5 sites makes it $250 day.

Word of caution; do not click your own ads and do not make invalid impressions by refreshing your pages too much. In short do not try to cheat Google, they are smarter than you think. Always read the Terms of Agreement (TOS) or join Google AdSense Blog – in this way you can always be updated of new things about the system.

Will this article make you rich? Maybe or maybe not. Many who have come before us made spectacular income in Google Adsense, others have not. This article is just a tip of the iceberg and there is more a lot to learn like SEO techniques, getting quality content etc. You just have to do it one step at a time. Cheers to you! Happy earning!

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