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France to Pay Part of Companies’ Electricity Bills

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By Joshua Kirby

The French government will cover a part of companies’ electricity bills, with big energy firms asked to contribute to the cost, a minister told TV station BFM Business late Sunday.

An “electricity guarantee” for 2023 will be finalized soon, and will cover part of any amount paid above a reference price fixed by the government, according to Energy Transition Minister Agnes Pannier-Runacher.

Energy companies making large profits will be asked to provide a contribution in relation to the reference price, the minister said, adding that the relevant legal proposition will be made very soon.

The move comes amid surging energy prices across Europe following a stoppage of natural-gas flows from Russia. In France, supply has also been threatened by strikes at nuclear reactors owned by national utility Electricite de France SA.

Write to Joshua Kirby at [email protected]; @joshualeokirby

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