Disadvantage of a Press Release

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Yes, you read the title right – it’s about “disadvantages” of using this technique that involves spreading the word about the latest happenings in your business. While die-hard fans of press releases might feel offended, it’s true that you can go overboard with the idea of using this marketing strategy – and there are some other issues as well. Let’s find out how press release distribution can put you in trouble.

· The biggest thing stopping you from reaping maximum benefits of PR articles is the high level of competition for distribution. With such high competition, you will have no guarantee that press release distribution will turn out to be a successful move.

· Another problem is to find newsworthy topics. Opt for the standard, run-of-the-mill topics and your press releases will fail miserably. Creating your news article in such a good quality that they are picked up by online journalists and editors is always a hard nut to crack and makes press release distribution a tad difficult for an average Joe.

· Another disadvantage is that you will have to be consistent with writing and distributing your press releases on associated PR sites, which would take a lot of time.

· Another technical disadvantage is that your target audience may or may not be internet-savvy or like to read PR. That’s why you need to evaluate your market first for location, age group, gender, lifestyle, educational background etc before opting for this technique.

· You cannot be too creative with your press releases. It needs to follow a set format – style, number of words, use of graphics etc – to be able to attract online journalists and editors.

· Another annoying thing, is that though they are used to promote your business, they cannot have direct selling or advertising tone. Getting your services promoted in a way that they don’t look like promotional ads can be extremely time consuming and excruciating.

· The biggest disadvantage is to find a way to maintain a balanced approach. It’s important to distribute your press releases regularly to get a result, but at the same time, it’s important to draw a line. To be consistent, people sometimes rely on duplicate content (words and phrases), which instead of offering any benefits winds up being a harmful trick.

You may have noticed that though these are called disadvantages, you don’t always have to face them. A right shift in your strategy will definitely turn these cons into pros, and you need to learn that trick to save your time, reap more benefits, and improve your ROI. For instance, if competition is high, lay your full emphasis on creating a killer release. When you choose an appropriate topic, which is interesting and newsworthy, your PR article manages to stand out from the crowd.

Doing this is hard, but never impossible, especially when you can engage a professional press release writer and good press release distribution service. They know all tricks of the trade and mold your article keeping your specific industry in mind. This helps them avoid those disadvantages and fetch you the benefits only. The fact of the matter is that writing and publishing press releases will improve the image and standing of your company, but it will happen only if you find a way to overcome these disadvantages.

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