In the Sales Engineering business model, selling is defined as the process of creating value. Think about that for a moment. Regardless of how you previously have defined the concept of sales or selling, this definition works. Any transaction is by definition a two-sided occurrence. Something happens in return for something. In business, you provide a product or service to someone and they compensate you in some way, typically by paying money. (They could also provide their own products or services in return, otherwise known as a trade.)
The ultimate price that you receive for your product or service is entirely based on what someone is willing to pay you for it. The sale doesn’t happen until both parties feel that they have received an equal exchange of value. When you are selling, your job is to convince the buyer of the true value of your product or service. For example, if you own a restaurant and want to charge $20 for a burger, your customers will need to be totally convinced that a sandwich they can get for well under $10 in most other places is worth the extra money. If you’re restaurant is completely unique, if the service is outstanding, and if the burger is really, really good, some people may pay the $20-many of course will not. But your job, as the restaurant owner, is to create sufficient value for the customer so that they will be willing to pay your price.
Creating value, which we now see is at the heart of literally every business transaction, is arguably the most important thing anyone in business must do. Even if you are an employee, you are engaged in an equal exchange of value every day. You provide a pre-defined set of services to your employer, and they pay you. Fail to deliver the value they expect and your job is in jeopardy. Continuously provide far more value than they are paying for, and you’ll probably start looking for employment elsewhere.
If you are involved in Multi Level Marketing (MLM) or any type of network marketing, creating value must be at the heart of what you do. Perception of value is at the heart of any lead generation activity. In order to operate a top home based business, you must demonstrate market leadership by providing such a massive value exchange that people have no choice but to work with you. Empowerment for business growth is based entirely on the value you deliver to the marketplace.