Deliveroo lowers 2022 gross transaction value growth views

Deliveroo lowers 2022 gross transaction value growth views

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Deliveroo PLC on Monday lowered its full-year gross transaction value growth guidance due to performance in the second quarter and a more cautious economic outlook, and said that its gross transaction value for the first half was 3.56 billion pounds ($4.23 billion).

The U.K. food-delivery company

said 2022 GTV growth is now expected to be between 4%-12% at constant currency against previous guidance of 15%-25%.

For the first half, GTV rose 7% on year. For the second quarter, GTV rose 4% on year against a 2021 comparison base that included lockdown restrictions in many markets. The company said the slowdown in GTV growth compared with the first quarter of 2022 is believed by management to reflect the impact of increased consumer headwinds during the second quarter.

Order growth in the second quarter was 3% on year, it said.

Write to Kyle Morris at [email protected]

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