Halfway Through the Jenny Craig Diet

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If you are one of the people who are almost done with the initial stage of the Jenny Craig diet, you are on your way to the next step. Once you progress to the next step, you are halfway through to achieving your weight loss goals and achieving a lifestyle of health.

The Transition To Self Reliance

On the first stage of the program, you were introduced to whole new health habits, and relied on close-knit support to get you through obstacles. Now, you will learn to do certain things on your very own.

A vital part of the halfway stage of the program is acquiring the necessary skills to prepare and plan your own meals. In the food consultation, a food quiz is involved. This quiz helps you understand your own opportunities and strengths when it comes to your own eating style and menu planning. You are given a lot of time to practice your menu planning, to make absolutely sure that you’re perfectly comfortable relying on your own. After this, you will start including meals of your own food choices a day each in each week. As you progress and gain confidence, you add your own food choices 2 days in each week.

If you are planning to go out and eat with friends and family, the Jenny Craig diet provides helpful tips and a dining-out guide to help you make better and healthier food choices. Rest assured, you will be given the information and skills needed to maintain steady weight loss.

Getting Accustomed To The New You

When losing weight in the program, you will notice your body getting smaller, as well as your calorie requirements. In the halfway consultation, you are taught ways to increase the physical activity using intervals of added strength components and cross training to fuel the calories you burn.

Ongoing Motivation And Support

Halfway into the Jenny Craig diet, expect to experience a variety of mixed emotions. This is perfectly normal halfway into the program. Negative emotions are just obstacles that you have to get through and will resolve. On the other hand, the positive emotions you experience are enough reason for you to celebrate.

Your personal consultant will be there to give you motivational strategies and get you past the obstacles you might encounter during the process. This halfway point in the program is a critical part of the weight loss and management journey. This is the time you get deeper into the consultations and find out what best works for you.

This stage of the process is one step closer to achieving perfect weight loss and health. Here, you are just a step closer to the last stage of the Jenny Craig diet.

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