Majority of U.K. Conservatives want Prime Minister Liz Truss to resign, poll shows

Majority of U.K. Conservatives want Prime Minister Liz Truss to resign, poll shows

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The majority of Conservative party members believe U.K. Prime Minister Liz Truss should resign, and many want Boris Johnson to take back the reins, according to a new survey.

A YouGov poll of 530 Conservative members found 55% in the political party want the prime minister to resign, while 38% say she should stay in the post.

The polling organisation said the figures are similar to when former Prime Minister Boris Johnson left office; 59% of Tory members wanted him to leave and only 36% said he should stay.

The large portion of members who voted for Truss to become prime minister during the leadership race in early September still want her to stay, by a 57% to 39% margin.

Meanwhile, Johnson has topped the list of politicians that Conservative members want to take over. One in three (32%) say Johnson should succeed Truss, followed by 23% for former chancellor and leadership rival Rishi Sunak and 10% for the defence secretary, Ben Wallace.

Truss received much criticism after her widely condemned mini-budget, the consequent market fallout and the revolving door of finance ministers.

Confidence in Truss’s leadership has faded so much that she has been branded a “ghost” PM for refusing to face her opposition and even a wet lettuce, according to U.K. tabloids.

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