Three Tools Every Online Business Should Have

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Running a business on the Internet can be rough work. It takes time and effort and most of all, it takes expertise that many people don’t quite have when they first set up their business. For all these reasons, it’s important that a new business owner on the Internet take the time necessary to learn about the tools that are out there and how they can help them create a more effective, better streamlined business model.

Social Networks

Social Networks are incredibly vital and have helped to single handedly reinvigorate thousands of businesses around the country. By allowing business owners to effectively integrate social aspects to their marketing efforts, these networks are the key to staying in touch with your audience over time. The real key though is in the way the social networks are used.

Some companies will answer tech questions on Twitter while others will create groups and hold events through Facebook. Other companies will recruit new help or hire people for small jobs via Craigslist. However it is done, social media and social networks are highly effective for online business growth.


Advertising on the Internet is a huge industry and one that has made Google into the largest web company in history. But, for a small business just starting up it can be a bit overwhelming. But, don’t let it get you down too easily. Consider contacting a consultant who can help integrate your specific needs into an advertising campaign.

Additionally, use free research tools like Wordtracker or Keyword Discovery to go with your Google and Yahoo! Keyword research tools. Together, these tools will make it easier to integrate your business more effectively into the online forms of advertising everyone is getting used to.


Finally, start considering the role that outsourcing online tasks can play in boosting your revenue. From having someone build your website to utilizing an outside firm to record videos or write your web content, you’ll find that there are millions of people in the world with the expertise to help you and much lower rates that will save you money and make it easier to advertise and grow early on.

At the end of the day, a good online business is one that grows and shifts with the times, taking what comes their way and using it as efficiently as possible (and while spending as little as possible). If you can do that, your business will be well on its way toward success.

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