5 Great Keys On Your Way To Greatness

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The quest for greatness and fulfilment births a journey. This is a journey which we all must make and we must choose our paths every day. On the journey of greatness we’ll walk different routes and we’ll pass through different doors and gates, some essential virtues are essential to the success of our quest. And like great keys they unlock the gates of greatness before us.

(a) The KEY OF KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge is a priceless possession. Every great quest begins with knowledge, so also the quest for greatness. The saying Knowledge is Power rings through again and again. To set out to acquire knowledge about your quest is very instrumental to the success of your journey. You do not set out without knowing where you are going and what your mission is. Relevant information pertinent to your goals.

(b) The KEY OF WISDOM: Wisdom is defined as the correct application of knowledge. It is your ability to make good decisions influenced by the right facts and details. This is the key you need to put the information you have acquired to good use.

(c) The KEY OF ASSOCIATION: “Birds of a feather flock together”. At this point you need to pay much attention to those you spend the bulk of your time with. This is a very vital key on your journey to success and true greatness. Who do you spend your time with, what kinds of friends do you keep, are they people who build and push you towards your dreams? Do you share the same values? To really get to your desired end in life, you need to spend time with the right set of people and avoid the negative set of people like a plague. You need to know the super- achievers in your niche and understand their philosophy. Evaluate your relationships and their effects on you this is because your Network determines your Net worth.

(d) The KEY OF INTEGRITY: Your Integrity is your most valued asset. Remember the quote, “when Wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost something is lost but when Character is lost, all is lost”. Nothing helps your journey to greatness so much as great character strength; it is the stuff great men are made of. To drink at the table of great men, you must hold your integrity in high regard as your priciest possession.

(e) The KEY OF DEDICATION AND COMMITMENT: This is the area where we all need to follow through! Sometime ago I embarked on a project, and I had my plan clearly mapped out, but because I failed to follow through on the plan, I couldn’t achieve the target within the set time. Recently, I undertook a similar project, but this time around, I reviewed my plan daily, holding myself accountable for each step(and also sharing my action plan with a couple of friends) and as weeks rolled by I was surprised at how things worked out if we stick to the plan. Nothing succeeds without commitment. For you to get to the much desired destination, you need to be dedicated and committed to your goals. You must be committed to taking action a step at a time towards the fulfilment of your dreams. You must be committed to Hard work, committed to discipline, and also committed to Prayer.

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