Most Democrats want an alternative to Biden in 2024, poll finds

Most Democrats want an alternative to Biden in 2024, poll finds

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President Biden is facing significant opposition within his own party, with one poll showing that most Democratic voters want another nominee to run for the office in 2024.

A poll released Monday by the New York Times and Siena College showed the president with just a 33% job approval rating, while 64% of Democratic voters don’t want Biden to run again in two years.

Other findings in the poll bode ill for the party in power in Washington, with just 13% of Americans describing the country as on the “right track” and 96% of respondents saying that the issues of inflation and the cost of living are “extremely” or “somewhat important to them.”

Government data show that the cost of living has been increasing at near 40-year highs, though there are some signs that inflation pressures have eased somewhat in recent months.

Despite voters’ low opinion of the current president, the New York Times/Siena College poll still showed narrowly Biden beating former President Trump in a rematch in 2024 by a 44% to 41% margin.

These numbers might suggest that despite Democrats’ unhappiness with President Biden, they could rally around him again faced with the alternative of an unpopular Republican in the White House.

There is also no clear successor if Biden chooses not to run again, given that Vice President Kamala Harris also remains unpopular with voters — a RealClearPolitics average of polls shows Harris with an approval rating of just 38.7%, only marginally higher than Biden’s average approval rating of 38%.

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